International Women in Science Day 2024

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Kirsty McTear of the DWS lab

Meet the lovely ladies that help keep the microbiology lab here at DWS running.

Kirsty McTear

The best part of your job:           

Seeing the successful growth of a microorganism! Microorganisms tend to be stubborn about their favoured environments and it’s vital to get the correct inoculum density, so when I see visible growth, it really makes me happy.

What inspired you to get into science: 

When I was younger, I watched a lot of detective and forensic dramas and documentaries with my parents which inspired me to become a forensic scientist. After a lot of research, I realised it wasn’t for me, but I still loved science, so I looked at different avenues and microbiology piqued my interest.

What was your background before joining DWS: 

Before DWS, I was a Biomedicine student at university, and I also worked part-time at Vue cinema.

Name one fun fact about yourself:

For the past few years, I have developed a love for embroidery. I have a kit that my mum got me for Christmas many years ago and I use this to create different pieces including microbe art!

Charlotte Austin

The best part of your job:

The best part of my job is the hands on, practical element of working in a Microbiology laboratory. I enjoy the variability of the studies that we undertake on behalf of our customers, and I find it highly satisfying when I complete a project that I have dedicated a lot of time to and amassed some valuable data. 

What inspired you to get into science:   

In school, I always loved learning about the human body. One memory that has remained with me is the first time I looked down a microscope and saw a eukaryotic cell; I knew from that moment I wanted to be a scientist! Throughout my degree I developed an interest in the pathogenesis of human diseases and the mechanisms of the immune response to combat different illnesses.

What was your background before joining DWS: 

Before I joined DWS I studied Biomedical Sciences at University and had various part-time jobs including waitressing in a café. 

Name one fun fact about yourself:

Outside of work I live and breathe Badminton. I am the Ladies’ Captain at the club in which I play, and we compete against other clubs in the local league.

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