i2 Workstation Testimonial Video

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In this video – the latest in our series of customer testimonials – Dr Ayse Latif, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, University of Manchester, discusses her current research of exploiting tumour cell energy metabolism in order to improve gynaecological cancer treatments.

Dr Latif uses both a H35 HEPA Hypoxystation and an i2 Instrument Workstation. Whilst cells are initially incubated in the H35, they are then moved into the i2 via the Whitley Transfer Tunnel without exposure to ambient conditions, where they can be studied with a Seahorse XF Analyzer.

The i2 was designed to meet the exact requirements  of Seahorse Bioscience, meaning that the combination of this workstation and a Seahorse XF Analyzer permits simultaneous, real-time analysis of mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis in mammalian cells under precisely controlled conditions.


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