First Microbiome Webinar Success

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First Microbiome Webinar Success

On 16th June 2021, DWS hosted its first webinar – Anaerobic Culture of the Normal Human Intestinal Microbiota – and we can report that it was an outright success. 526 delegates (from 48 different countries) registered for the event and many people who were unable to attend at the time have now requested access to the recording.

If you missed the event would like to watch the recording, this is now available via our website at:

You will be asked to provide your name, organisation, email address and country and then click the ‘sign up’ button to play the video.

The success of this first webinar has encouraged us to research other topical webinars so keep your eye on the blog and social media for more information. You may also like to sign up to our newsletter, which will ensure you receive notice of future events.

Webinar Speaker Profiles:

Petra Louis

Petra Louis is a molecular microbiologist who has worked in the field of gut microbiology, human nutrition and health since 2002. She is interested in health-promoting effects exerted by the human gut microbiota, with a focus on microbial dietary non-digestible carbohydrate degradation, fermentation and metabolite production.

Petra employs a wide range of technical approaches, including strictly anaerobic microbiology, molecular microbial community analysis of in vitro and human dietary studies, -omics technologies and mathematical modelling, to elucidate the functional roles of different gut microbes and their community interactions.


B. Anne Neville PhD

Anne Neville leads the Microbiology Team at Microbiotica, having joined the company in May 2017, soon after its formation. In this role, she leads the team which specialises in microbial cultivation and the application of genomics techniques to the human gut microbiota.  Before joining Microbiotica, Anne held a post-doctoral research post at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK, working to discover and validate the use of microbial interventions for the prevention and treatment of disease caused by the enteric pathogen C. difficile. Prior to this, Anne undertook post-doctoral research on probiotics at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France.  Anne has a BSc in Genetics and a PhD in Microbiology, both from University College Cork in Ireland. Her PhD research was focused on the functional genomics of motile bacteria, commensal to the human gastrointestinal tract.


Andrew Pridmore

Andrew has been with DWS since 1991, when he joined as a new graduate.  He subsequently completed a PhD on the phenotypic, metabolic and molecular responses of anaerobic bacteria to oxygen exposure, concentrating on bacteria associated with periodontal disease. 

Andrew currently manages our in-house microbiology laboratory, where we continue to work with fastidious anaerobes on a daily basis.  A major area of work is antibiotic susceptibility testing of anaerobes on behalf of our contract research clients. 

In recent years Andrew has also overseen work on the culture, enumeration  and susceptibility testing of highly fastidious anaerobe strains from the normal human microbiota, which are being developed as Live Biotherapeutic Products.


Freda Farquharson

Freda Farquharson is a research assistant at the Rowett Institute working in the field of molecular microbiology for over 30 years. She has developed and utilises a range of methods such as anaerobic microbiology, real-time PCR and molecular community analysis to investigate the functional roles of different gut microbes.

Steve Rogerson

Steve is a Technical Specialist for Don Whitley Scientific Ltd. During the 15 years he has worked in the sales department he has used the knowledge he gained working in clinical microbiology in the PHLS and as a manager in a contract microbiology laboratory to develop relationships with a wide range of customers. In more recent years Steve has worked as an application specialist looking to help laboratories transition toward automation and help customers understand how automated systems can benefit them.

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