How is DWS Making a Difference During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

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How is DWS Making a Difference During the Coronavirus Outbreak?

In these unsettling and uncertain times, it is heartening to see people all over the country pulling together to help in whatever ways they can – and Don Whitley Scientific is no different.

We are proud to supply goods and services for those who provide essential services for the whole nation. Our customers include UK Public Health agencies, food testing companies and NHS clinical laboratories; all of whom rely on a network of companies like Don Whitley Scientific to support them in their incredible work.

We are continuing to go about our business as usual - carefully following the government guidelines regarding hygiene, social distancing, home-working where possible and replacing face-to-face meetings with online sessions. Essential maintenance and product installations are still being carried out to enable our customers to meet the demands of a hugely increased workload, and we continue to deliver E-swabs to Leeds General Infirmary; fulfilling their standing order which is now more critical than ever.   

Recently we have been approached by government agencies and other manufacturers, who - knowing of our specialised design and manufacturing reputation - asked if we would be willing and able to produce items such as ventilator components and face masks. We have responded to this positively and eagerly await their response. We have also contacted the relevant authorities to advise that we have laboratory facilities which might be suitable to assist with different types of testing.

Internally, we are concentrating our fund-raising efforts to raise money for the homelessness charity, Crisis, to assist them as they work to provide vital supplies and services to some of those who will be most severely affected.

We are very grateful for the dedication of our staff, and are proud to be contributing to the national effort at this time.   



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