Conference Commentary: American Association of Cancer Research

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Conference Commentary: American Association of Cancer Research

This article was provided by DWS's recently-appointed Hypoxia Product Specialist, Omar Hussain, pictured here exhibiting the Whitley i2 Instrument Workstation which was specially designed to house a Seahorse Analyzer.

It’s that time of year again for the annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR). Held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta; thousands of attendees gathered from all over the world.

I joined our fantastic US distributors – HypOxygen – and helped them showcase the Whitley H35 Hypoxystation and the Whitley i2 Instrument Workstation, along with an extremely well-received new product: the Whitley Media Conditioner (pictured below).

Whitley Media Conditioner

We are currently carrying out final tests on this patented new product, and demonstrated a 3D-printed functioning replica model. Working closely with our in-house scientists, award-winning R&D team and collaborating academics, we have developed an effective media equilibration method.

The compact device is designed to operate inside any Whitley Hypoxystation, introduced and removed via the airlock.  The major benefit is that experiments can be conducted after approximately one hour, compared to having to wait closer to 22 hours for media to equilibrate naturally.

More information on this exciting product will be available in due course.


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