Australian Workstation users could be entitled to $500

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Australian Workstation users could be entitled to $500

Do you use a Whitley Workstation? You could be entitled for a grant of up to $500

Our travel grant scheme, which covers the use of any Whitley Workstation or Hypoxystation, is also available to Workstation users in Australia. This means if you have used a Whitley Workstation and cited its use on your poster or in a published paper, contact us and you could be eligible for a grant of up to $500.

A range of grants are available for those who mention the use of a Whitley Workstation or Hypoxystation in a published paper or a poster they are going to present. All we ask for in return is a copy of the paper/poster in which the workstation features. We will use this on our website and in other ways to help us promote the Whitley Workstation range.

Also, if Don Whitley Scientific are exhibiting at the event where you are presenting your poster, we can provide copies of the document to all who visit our stand, if this is something you would like us to do.

To apply for this grant, please send a copy of your poster or paper along with your contact details to If you are presenting a poster at an event, don’t forget to let us know the name of the event and the date you will be delivering your presentation.


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