Temperature Mapping

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Temperature Mapping at DWS

When temperature performance is vital for your results.

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This is essential when a laboratory must demonstrate that temperature performance could directly or indirectly affect results. It provides independent, UKAS-accredited (ISO/IEC 17025) calibration and supporting certification:

• Single point calibration confirms that the workstation temperature is controlled and displayed within specified tolerances. To do this, measurements are taken from a single position within the workstation incubation area, using a calibrated temperature probe traceable to national standards. This can be a factory-based or an on-site activity.

• Multi-point temperature mapping comprises calibration of the workstation temperature sensor and a comprehensive temperature profile of the entire working and incubation area. Data is collected from up to 12 sensors, traceable to national standards, positioned throughout the workstation chamber. This is usually a factory-based activity but can be performed at a customer’s premises.


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