Video Testimonial - Michael Cross

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Datum: 7th January 2016

Dr Michael Cross, Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology Department, University of Liverpool, talks about his groups use of a H35 HEPA Hypoxystation.

Dr Cross and his group use their workstation to test cardiovascular drug toxicity in a cardiac spheroid model under physiologically relevant oxygen tensions and also periods of extreme hypoxia/ischemia. As well as the importance of oxygen control in making tests physiologically relevant, the internal Whitley HEPA Filtration System is extremely important in keeping the working/incubation space sterile, as these tests are unsuitable for antibiotic culture media supplementation. Dr Cross also mentions how his group make use of the automated oxygen profiling option to automatically induce periods of extreme hypoxia and simulate cardiac ischemia.

Application notes on this work - click here

Michael Cross
Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology Department
University of Liverpool


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